CyMath invites students in 3rd through 8th grades to sign up to join the program. Ames Middle School students will have Saturday Zoom sessions 3 times per month and a session on ISU’s campus (Coover Hall) once a month starting in March! Elementary students will meet on Tuesdays or Thursdays after school or on Saturday through Zoom. If you have questions about times or venues, please email us. CyMath is a free hybrid-mode math tutoring+mentoring program. The long-term goal of the program is to increase the fraction of students from backgrounds underrepresented in Engineering that are academically ready to pursue and thrive in STEM majors in college and graduate school.
Math is a subject that builds upon itself. Understanding basic ideas leads into understanding algebra, which is critical for grasping physics, engineering, computer science, and more. Studies have shown that children who fall behind in math need extra help to catch back up. CyMath offers smaller groups where students receive more individual attention, which can lead to significant improvements in student scores.