Math for All

Regular Practice in Math Builds Confidence

For students in grades 3 on wards: CyMath and Ab7G of Purdue recommend 15-30 minutes of Math practice 4-5 days a week. For older students add 5-10 minutes per grade. Summer is the time to catch up on lost learning and to prevent learning loss!


State-wide Testing and Math Differentiation

MAP test and ISASP test are used for state-wide testing in Ames and many Iowa schools: These tests are used for selecting kids into the Extended Learning Program or ELP (starts in grade 3) and Compacted Math (6th grade on wards) – details. Good knowledge of grades 3-5 Math is key for learning Algebra (and all later math and coding and STEM material) well!

MAP test: usually August-September, January, May

  • ISASP test (Iowa test): April usually

Adaptive Testing – MAP is adaptive

Math enrichment programs in Ames/ISU other than CyMath

  1. Math Circles – Spring, 8-10 once a week sessions
  2. AMC Math – Fall, 8-10 once a week sessions
  3. Ames Middle School has a lot of clubs